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Terms of use

EVIRUM provides you on this Website (the ‘site’) with information and documents that are subject to the conditions presented in this document (‘User Conditions’). By accessing this site, you accept the terms within.

EVIRUM reserves the right to modify User Conditions at any time. At the moment of use, your use of the site will be subject to the most recent version of User Conditions published on this site. Additionally, during the use of specific documents on this site, you are subject to all directives or terms published on this site and applicable to the documents, which may contain addition conditions than those in the existing User Conditions.

All these directives and terms are themselves included by reference in the User Conditions. Not respecting one or many of these User Conditions automatically forfeits your right to access this site, and you must destroy all documents and material that you have downloaded or printed from this site.


The documents and information contained within this site are protected by copyright laws and/or intellectual property laws. All non authorised use of these documents or information may constitute a violation of these laws. Except where indicated specifically in this document, EVIRUM and their partners do not give you any rights expressed or implied on the patents, copyright, brands, or commercial secrets relative to the content of this site.

Except with explicit permission in this document, no document or information on this site may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in whatever manner, and by whatever means, without first receiving written permission from EVIRUM.


Except where explicitly specified on other sections of this site, you are authorised to consult, download, and print the documents and information available on this site under the following conditions:

The documents can only be used for personal reasons, for information, internally, and only for non-profit purposes.
The documents and information on this site may not be modified in any way.
The documents and information may not be shared, broadcast, or published.
In no case are you to delete the copyright or other propriety information contained within the documents and information.
EVIRUM reserves the right to remove the right to consult, download, and print the information and documents on this site at any time. All use and rights aforementioned must be cancelled or cease to apply upon written request from EVIRUM.
The rights granted to you constitute a licence and not a transfer of propriety.
The rights aforementioned concerning consultation, download, and printing of documents and information available on this site do not apply to the creation and layout of this site.

The elements of this site are all protected by current copyright laws. They can’t be copied or imitated, either in part or in whole.


This site is controlled by the offices of EVIRUM. By accessing it, you accept that all questions relative to your access and use of the site are governed by the laws and regulations of this country.


All brands and logos displayed on this site are the property of EVIRUM. The use of these brands or logos is forbidden without explicit written permission by the owners of said logos or brands. EVIRUM and the EVIRUM logo are brands of ‘EVIRUM’.